After years of use, the grip on my Hercules guitar stand broke. (A link—with a picture—to a forum post on the matter by other owners is here.)
I contacted Hercules about a replacement, and they said they don’t sell parts. They advised me to buy a new stand, of course.
Instead of spending upwards of $30 on a new stand and placing yet one more thing (that’s only 0.001% broken) in a landfill, I did some research.
Using a pitch gauge, I found that an M5—0.8 × 20 mm screw will keep the neck of the stand in place. Home Depot carries the screw for $1.05. The SKU is 887480028287 and the screw may be found here.

The trade-off for using this screw is the forfeited ability to use the stand’s one-handed adjustable feature. (To adjust the height, I will need to unscrew, re-position, and re-screw the stand’s neck.) No matter, I never used the adjustable height feature.
Well done Roy. I have exactly this problem, and the shop where I bought it gave me the same answers – no spare parts, buy a new stand! Needless to state, I declined.
Have employed your fix and it works a treat.
Thanks for the post. My father showed me his stand this morning. The material in the handle has turn to something akin to a sticky silicon and adjustment lever has snapped off. I showed him your post and his reaction was “I thought so!” He’s in his shop now making his repair. Like you he never uses the adjustment feature so the screw fix will work fine. Thanks again.
Exactly what happened to mine.
pivot locking handle breaks and gets sticky ,its simple mine broke out where the spring pin pivots i put it back in and put two two nylon zip ties right where the spring pin goes and it works fine and will probably last forever ,it pivots just fine and locks in perfectly ,as far as the stickiness goes used alcohol on it the make it not sticky any more
Sticky EZ grip fell apart – Same thing here – was this Hercules’ ‘designed obsolescence’ (or self-destruct)?
Thanks for the tip. And I’d imagine welding a ‘T’ to the head of that screw would allow more convenient height adjustment.
Same thing here – was this Hercules’ ‘designed obsolescence’ (or self-destruct)?
Thanks for the tip. And I’d imagine welding a ‘T’ to the head of that screw would allow more convenient height adjustment.
The exact same thing happened to mine. The handle left a residue on my hand akin to tree sap – sticky and impossible to wash off! I had no idea what happened. Thanks for posting! Crazy to think that this has happened to a number of people and Hercules are not owning up to a clear product defect.
Hercules has replaced these stands under warranty for anyone who contacts them.
Check out the Hercules USA website for more information.
Mine too. Rub it down with I isopropyl alchohol. Takes out the sticky.
Exactly the same as my one. Must be a fault. Sad they have no interest in their customers. I won’t be buying Hercules again
mine did the exact same thing- didn’t know why the thing deteriorated into a sticky mess!
I just did this on mine, works like a charm! Sturdier than with that funky sticky handle! Thanks a lot for this fix info!
I had a similar instance with 2 Hercules GS414 stands, either the grip was sticky, or it cracked. The store was no help either. However, I called Hercules customer service and told them about the issue. Within one week, they shipped me 2 new stands, no charge. The process was a simple email correspondence with a few details and pictures of the stands. Their phone number is (800)283-4676.
Yes that happened to me too. I thought someone had broken my stand but the thing was all sticky. It had just snapped off itself. Thanks for the post.
I’m a handy guy like this too but why are we congratulating one another on our fixes when clearly this is a design flaw on the part of the manufacturer. We have two of the stands and in both cases they received minimal…no, almost nonexistent use of the adjustment grip, yet in both cases that plastic grip degraded, getting sticky and weakened to the point of snapping on its own when we were not even attempting to adjust it. I’m not sure where to turn, but am thinking maybe the Consumer Product Safety Commission or Federal Trade Commission?
I had a $5k bass on one of these stands. The grip had been sticky for quite a while and I always wondered about it but had no idea it was going to lead to a failure. Well, I had grabbed a different bass to jam with and while I was messing with my pedal board I noticed some plastic on the ground, looked up and saw the grip on the stand had a spring sticking out of it. The bass was sitting on the stand – when I grabbed the bass the “neck” of the stand collapsed down into the lower part of the stand. I count myself lucky, the floor was concrete.
I have designed on CAD a solution to both the sticky problem and the plastic wall around the Roll pin Failure,
I just need to figure out how to send on the STL file for 3-D printing from here
I’m so very glad it worked. Feel free to share pictures.
A couple of things to add:
My stand went missing for a couple of years (put it away for Christmas one year and did too good a job!). Anyway, when I found it, I pulled it out and wanted to clean the sticky mess off the plastic (see below). In the process, the stupid thing fell apart as your pictures show. My particular model doesn’t have a screw to hold the fixture in place, but uses a rivet. Not wanting to drill it out, I just inserted a bolt into the adjustment hole I wanted to use, and secured it with some velcro ribbon. Works fine.
As for the sticky; Turns out the plastic is sprayed with a “feel good” coating that, in time, breaks down and becomes disgustingly sticky. The solution is to use rubbing alcohol and an old rag to scrub it off. It won’t be shiny when you finish, but it won’t be sticky either! Goof Off works too.
Thanks for the great information.
Thanks, from all of us!!!
That sticky mess os my exact problem. Thanks for the rubbing alcohol solution
And, yes, the pun was intentional….
Thanks Ron – will try that
Hi Roy, I had the same problem, mine is the model that holds three guitars, and I had it collapse with three on it. Thankfully none of them were hurt…. I did a little more of a “Redneck” fix, my other hobby is working on cars, so I used a hose clamp. I can loosen it and adjust the height anywhere I need, though like you, I never really need to change it. I wrote Hercules and was surprised by their lack of response. The failure of their system could have cost me a lot in instrument repairs. I like the general design, but they really need to rethink the locking system for this part of it.
Hi Clay,
Thanks for sharing your experience. A hose clamp is brilliant!
Indeed, this is a serious design flaw that can cause serious, irreparable damage to guitars. Hercules should get on top of this immediately, if they want to keep a loyal customer base. I’m definitely not buying another Hercules product ever again.
I called the customer service number listed on the Hercules site and a real human answered the phone. She told me to email her photos of the damage and my contact information. I did and in less than a week I had three new replacement Hercules stands delivered to my home. I don’t want to throw away the old ones as the only thing wrong with them is the handles. Think I will employ the screw method and leave them up all the time which they were anyway.
Hi Patmatt
Do you have the Hercules contact info? I can’t find it in the website. They only have dealers contact info. Thanks!
Same experience with the Hercules stand (I have 2) . Love the design – the rubberized plastic sucks. Emailed the company and had no response. I love the stands otherwise. The gummy mess and ultimate failure of the adjustment handle happened over the course of several years. Of course no longer had the packaging or receipts. Mentioned it at the Sam Ash store I bought them from from and got little better that a blank stare. I will be digging through my collection of panhead screws for the fix you posted. I have several Hercules wall hangers – no problem there. Thanks for posting.
I have a similar issue. You don’t say specifically, but I guess you remove the handle. Is that hard? I’m good at tearing stuff up removing the stuff, but I guess in this case it doesn’t matter. I emailed Hercules a few days ago, but have received no response and based on what others have said I shouldn’t hold my breath.
after three years of use my hercules stand grip is very sticky and now it is getting broken in small parts so I want to know if you can send me the complete set to repair my stand
How did you remove the old busted handle? I’m having no luck.
Drill the rivet with a 3/16 or so drill, and then push the remainder into the hollow part of the tube. You’ll then be able to move the sticky, broken handle and you can separate the telescoping parts. There’s also a philips head tap screw that will need to come off to completely remove the old handle. I just did it. Took about two minutes.
I’ve had the gummy handle for a couple years now, but today was the day. I watched as my Breedlove acoustic hit the (luckily carpeted) floor and toppled over (luckily again, against a plant). My handle broke clean off where the fulcrum is, so there is no having to remove it. I found it on the floor. I’m loving this idea of the screw and will hopefully remedy this tonight. It’s a great design with one glaring flaw apparently. Thanks for the fix.
I’m going to have to try this. Mine just broke at the handle as well. Dropped one of the guitars straight down on my tile floor and chipped it… Thanks for the idea to fix the stand!
I own a single, and a double and was overjoyed to find an alternative to the cheap, junky tube stand we all know and “have put up with”.
Until it broke, unexpectedly.
Thank you very much for the info posted here. I won’t have to waste time trying to send the dealer the photo’s I took, and I can stop looking for the person “who broke my stand”.
Thanks for the awesome fix Roy!
Thanks for the awesome fix Roy! I knocked the rivet out with a flathead screwdriver and a hammer, had to enlarge the hole a tiny bit but that was easy with my trusty carbon steel bladed bonsai scissors.
Hercules should absolutely address this problem, shoddy of them not to.
After a couple of years of the handle of my double stand going gooey it just disintegrated tonight but luckily with nothing on it. To say I was unhappy would be an understatement. Now I’ve come on here to see what can be done about it, and apparently they all go the same way. What a crappy design. Why don’t Hercules do something to remedy this?
Yesterday I found my Telecaster slumped down to the floor and the head/neck mechanism of the stand open because there was no weight. When I looked closer, I discovered the spring and button were about 2 feet behind the stand. I immediately interrogated my teenage son, who claimed no knowledge and I’m sure felt like I was picking on him. I went to fix it today and discovered the sticky mess and decided to Google it. And here I am. I will fix the stand using one of these methods, but I own three Hercules stands that I invested in to keep my guitars safe. I’m frustrated and disappointed. Most of the forum postings I’ve read don’t give much hope for remedy by Hercules. Thankfully the Tele was unharmed. Now I’ll go apologize to my son.
I found half of the button and the spring behind my stand the other day too. I live alone, have no pets and my place is not haunted, so I am putting it down to bad stand design. Luckily (or not) I am recovering from an operation to fix a ruptured biceps tendon and I put my guitar back in its case while I recover. It is the first time it has been off that stand in years.
Screw this stand! (that’s what I’m going to do, thanks for the tip).
I had same issue. I think the cause is the “made in China” plastic grip reacting over time with the lubricant. I used a 1/4″ x 20 x 1/2″ hex bolt. I used a 1/4″ x 20 tap to open the hole enough to accept the short bolt. It may also be that the plastic just breaks down over time. I have seen similar issues with other Chinese plastics over the years.
Thanks for the post. Just fixed 3 of my hercules stands. The part at home depot is 3 screws – perfect!!
Same exact problem, the clamp handle and pin flew out the back as I was putting my guitar back on the stand. I’ve read elsewhere that they have changed the material for these clamps now to avoid the sticky problem which I can only assume also degraded the plastic below to allow it to break. It’s a real pity you can’t just get the clamp part to replace it. Bolt/screw fix it is then! Cheers.
Same problem as everyone above. I have four GS414B Hercules guitar stands. The handles are sticky. Two were cracked with the handle and spring on the floor near the stand, the other two had cracks and were about to come apart. Clearly this is a design issue with the materials used on the handle.
So I’ve email Hercules with pictures of the stands. I’m interested to see what response I get.
It’s too far to go to Lowe’s (2.5 miles), and I’m too cheap to spend $1.00. 🙂 So I went to the garage and found a zip tie. I put the handle back into the correct place with the pivot shaft seated in the broken plastic holes and zip tied it in place – right at the shaft. The handle retains it’s original functionality and it cost less than $1.00. If you’re worried about the looks, use a black zip tie.
Hello folks, same story this evening. Stand failed at height adjustment mechanism, ridiculously sticky plastic, etc. Fortunately, my Taylor acoustic survived the experience. I found the plastic cover easy enough to remove, though, with no tools required. I just lifted the upper part of the stand of then pulled the plastic handle off the top.
I’ve emailed Hercules UK, but won’t be holding my breath. Thanks for repair suggestion, though. All sorted!
The Hercules stand is a pretty good idea until it doesn’t work. That happens rather quickly if you are using it daily or nightly as the case may be. Going to a Home Despot and trying find a special screw has it’s own set of challenging circumstances here in Southern California. Most of the “associates” in Home Despots will tell you that “their job would be great if it wasn’t for the customers.” Same attitude at many of the Guitar Centers around the country (Except Nashville, TN!) But I digress.
If you have an old guitar cable lying around; cut the standard jack plug off the cable. Use a plastic covered jack if you can. Use the jack plug as “stop pin” like you would on a speaker stand. Plug one of the holes in the sliding tube with the standard jack and sliding tube will stay in place. After the gig is over, and you are breaking down, pull the jack out of the hole and the tube will slide down so you can fold it up and be on your way.
Thanks for this from yet another grateful reader. I had been wondering for ages how I got grease on the handles of my two Hercules stands (which I now know were rotting plastic). Then last night one broke while I was moving it. fortunately I had a hold on the guitar. I bought the screws as you specify and repairing one was a two minute job. However I inspected the second stand and saw stress fractures too, so removed the adjusting handle, only to find this one does not have a hole for the screw. I will have to drill one out when I have time, but it does highlight that this supposedly “rugged” design is actually not reliable at all.
I have the same problem with one of my Hercules stands. I have had it for many years. I knew the handle was unusually sticky but I didn’t think much of it since I primarily use it at home and I really don’t need to adjust the height very often. After reading some threads about the handles breaking I looked closer at mine and it was cracked on both sides and starting to come apart. I went to the Hercules website and submitted the contact us form. A couple days later I received an email requesting that I send pictures and contact/address information. I sent the info to them and a day later I received and email with the order number of the new stand that they were sending me. Thanks Hercules for standing by your product!!
So glad to have found this post as mic stand has just experienced the same failed design.
This appears to be built in obsolescence which is typical of most Chinese factories that have us manufacturer cutting costs.
Shame on the Hercules Engineers for such Whimsical and deliberate weakness and their design.
Thanks for the suggestion. I saw the same solution, but also looking into the potential of 3D printing and/or fiberglass tape with epoxy to restore full functionality.
I’m now referring to this stand as Samson w/ a crew cut: just plain weak!
The biggest weaknesses Hercules refusal to replace the part for a nominal charge. Until they improve the design ir offer the replacement part, they will lose customers through social media and word-of-mouth – or just don’t care as most companies trying to maintain corporate profit via overseas labor.
Happened to me as well. Fortunately, mine broke immediately after removing my go-to bass from the stand.
My stand experienced the same failure. I documented the broken adjustment clamp with a couple of photos, emailed them along with a description to the KHS company who manufactures the stands, and they put a replacement in the mail within two days. THAT’s customer service.
Thank you for this posting. I have just discovered the tackiness on 2 out of 3 of my Hercules stands. I could not even get all of the residue off of my hand with alcohol gel. Before I try getting the screw (I am severely vision impaired, so that will be another adventure if I need to go that way), I would hope I could get replacment, Is KHS easy to find to contact? I google it.
I have several Hercules stands where the “fingers” on the yolk that hold your guitar broke off. Does anyone have a fix for that? Hercules did send a new stand (thanks!) but I don’t want send it to a landfill if I can fix it. And Yes, they don’t sell parts.
I guess I could carve a “finger” out of wood, plastic or plexi.
I wonder if I’m missing something here but I employed your fix using the exact screw mentioned in your article but the screw was too small to actually grip thread. It’s just being held in the hole by the weight of the top tubing.
Is this what others have experienced by using this fix or did I mess something up?
If you followed what I did and it didn’t work, then Hercules changed the design of the stand, or the screw inside the packaging was different than the one identified on the packaging.
Mine fell apart yesterday. I sprayed glue remover on it to try and remove stickiness, when I checked it 5 min. later the trigger had crumbled off the grip. I have two others as well. That’s the last of my money Hercules gets, and I will be sure to spread the word far and wide for the foreseeable future. Lifetime warranty my ***.
To contact Hercules Stands, call
People are saying they got no response emailing via the website.
Ditto, that happened to my stand. Fantastic stand though it was and served me well, it went sticky and the plastic in the grip cracked and shat itself.
Excellent thread (a-ha-ha-ha), but seriously I used a screw in the same manner, actually I added two because I use the stand for a bass and it needs to be extended quite a bit. I note that KHS have been helpful.
I mean helpful towards other posters here. I’ll try them myself.
Same problem. I just called Hercules today:
They said they are well aware of the problem. I’ll fill out a form and they’ll send me a new stand. Lifetime warranty.
My 5 year old Hercules stand just broke at the handle as well, called the 800 number and he sent me an email and said for me to send him a picture and he would send me a new stand. Now thats great customer service!
I have the same problem as Frustrated Herc User. The M5 screw is a bit to skinny to grab the hole and an M6 is too fat. Darn you Hercules!
That being said, I did get a warranty replacement. I just want to salvage my original
Same problem. Trigger broke and the handle is sticky as hell. I will call Hercules and see if they will honor the ‘life time’ warranty. Stay tuned.
Many thanks for this. It wan’t buying the new stand that worried me so much – though reading some of these reports you need to key your eye on them – but wasting 90% of the stand for a small component. And I thought it was just my one.
All fixed now – what a cheap and effective way of resolving it……so many thanks from the UK.
I have the same issue. Grip just rotted away. The company should stand by the product, supply parts, and fix the design / change the material.
Exact same problem here. Material failed, sticky, and broke into pieces when I picked it up. Clearly a design or manufacturing flaw they should be proactively fixing before someone’s valuable instrument gets damaged.
Exactly the same problem as happened over the past few days with both of my 8-9 year old stands. It looks like a design flaw in the type of plastic & rubber used. Given everything else is really robust I’m willing to give Hercules some credit and say it probably isn’t deliberate.
The plastic has become very fragile on both grips & triggers so I may have to opt for the m6 bolt method if Hercules don’t play ball.
I’ve written to Hercules to see if they will honour the warranty.
In the meantime, I’ve used the alcohol grip cleaner solution and a cable tie to hold the trigger in place.
Great post and great comments too. I have had four of the Hercules three-guitar stands for years and found that two of the trigger handles have turned sticky and the handle snapped off one of them. My son, having much better vision than I have, looked at it and said “it’s broken beyond repair unless we tape it up.” I had some black duct tape handy and did just that. It looks ugly but it’s functional again. I’m sure I’ll have to re-tape it in the future. I like the black zip-ties suggestion and will try that too. I’m also thinking about thumbscrews–if I can find someone who sells them.
I haven’t contacted Hercules yet but I’m going to. Having to take photos and send them is a royal pain, but I’m on it; maybe Hercules will respond. If my guitars go crashing to the floor I would bring the pieces to Hercules, if I knew where the customer service office was located. Bottom line, thumbs crews or zip-ties is probably the easiest resolution.
Same issue but also the retaining knob to collapse the legs – all sticky same as the broken hand clamp for the height. Bummer.
Hercules stands have a lifetime warranty and they will replace your broken stand if you contact them with pictures and the model & serial number.
Suggest you put this information at the top in your post so people find it since this page is coming up high in the google search results for this issue.
Great solution, my friend. Thank you!
An even cheaper fix is to stick a pencil into one of the holes. That has the advantage of being “adjustable”. My stand fell apart at a gig Saturday night and I fixed it on the fly. Hoping to get a free replacement from Hercules. But in the meantime, the pencil works.
It’s also a fairly common size bolt for bikes. A friend gave me a pair of the GS414s that had failed in that exact way. Went out to my spare bike parts and found the bolts.
Well I live in hope that Australian distributer “Electric factory” honour the warranty here. Awaiting reply to message left on phone. Local seller I got it from had never heard of this issue and couldn’t find warranty details. He offered an exchange but only has another version in stock.
You can go to any Ace Hardware and get an American Standard 5/16th bolt for a lot less and the corresponding wing nut for the same price, maybe less. Not a one hand process but not bad. Then you can shorten the stand rather easily for transport.
This is a really good idea, and it makes the stand adjustable.
Count me among the disappointed but satisfied…disappointed in the failure (design, material, etc) and stickiness, and satisfied with the customer service. Mine broke apart as i was carrying my taylor 914 by the stand ( because it’s safe in the cage, right?) which did a faceplant from about 3 ft. Fortunately no harm. Handle had gone sticky for many years (thanks for the alcohol tip). Called Herc on the recommnedations above, sent them a foto, and got a new stand within a week. New handle appears to not be coated in that rubber stuff. Most of my other guitars are hanging on the wall from Herc wall hangers…hope the cage design is more robust.
The zip tie fix worked well on the broken handle. I promptly added one to the replacement as well (fool me once….)
Thanks so much OP.
Just happened to my tri stand today… Luckily I was stood right there when the handle popped…. So my status graphite, sandberg and paisley P were saved from a serious incident.
It was at that point I noticed the gummy rubber grip and snapped hinge :/
I just sprayed mine with spray-on rubber, like flex seal. I used the plasti-dip brand and it totally bonded with the sticky rubber and made it useable again.
Hi all,
I have 2 Hercules GS414B Stands where the plastic handles look like they exploded and the rubber has gone gummy and sticky. Was about to throw both out with the original tags on them. Did a e-search and found so many owners have experienced the same issue. Just took photos, ID’s etc to Hercules online per their request and hope they will honor a return???? These are not good items.
I had this same issue. I bought a used Hercules stand thinking I could just order the broken and sticky part. Upon contacting the company they informed me that they do not sell parts but the product carries a lifetime warranty.
A couple emails with pics later and I had a brand new stand! Phenomenal service in my case.
I have since gotten another Hercules stand with this “sticky” residue issue. It must have been a thing in the late 2000s because I have noticed it on other plastic parts across many industries, including my car. Rubbing Alc. did the trick nicely and I know if it ever does fail, Hercules will replace it.
I’m sorry to hear others did not have such a great experience contacting the company, and I’m happy that some had my same experience getting a new stand under warranty.
I’m now a Hercules fan! The rest of my stands have been sold off.
I bought a 3 guitar stand ($99… ouch but cry once right?) two months later I showed up at a gig and one of the guitar rests was missing. Just gone! I read the warranty on their site and took it back to guitar center and they gave me a new one. Good on Hercules and guitar center. I thought that was pretty cool. One improvement… if you read this Hercules… Gibson style banjos rest on the back two tuning pegs in the rest so I gotta put it in backwards. If you could Improve on that? That would be awesome
Same problem all above in my hercules, why they don’t make a replacement part with better quality, anyway the hercules has a very nice design that problaby most of us will buy back but l guess lm going to write them with a very strong disagreement also because my guitar fell and got scratch …
You are a genius. This fix is better than that clamp with the bad plastic. Thank you. Thank you
I had the same problem with both of my Hercules stands at the same time. First the adjustment handle got sticky and then it broke. I assume there is something in the rubber which is chemical reacting over the time (maybe with sunlight) and than is aggressive to the plastic.
Wow Roy you hit a home run with this. My sticky grip is gone and I had the screw in my garage. I can live with the legnth better than the sticky adjuster.
I had the same problem with the Hercules two guitar model. The grip was sticky, and the adjustment handle had fallen off. Isopropyl alcohol solved the sticky problem very nicely. I wanted to retain the ability to adjust the height of the stand without the need for a screwdriver.
My solution was to use a 7/32″ allen wrench. The short end fits into the sliding tube adjustment holes. The long end sits neatly inside the space previously occupied by the adjustment handle. Inserting and removing the wrench is quick and easy. Best of all, the wrench is black, making it invisible to the naked eye.
Thanks for the article, and the many valuable comments.
My Hercules 3 guitar stand also broke. Hercules is owned by KHS America. I called customer service and sent pictures to their email. They were courtious, professional, and fast. I had a new, exact replacement stand shipped to my house, at NO charge in 3 days! Their customer service is fantastic! Thank you KHS America!
Same problem with a Hercules twin guitar stand and did the same fix that Roy posted , but cleaned up the lever drilled and fitted the screw thru with 2 locking nuts where the spring sat .
Just looks like it was made that way
Thank you
I’m interested (without reading the whole of responses here) in fixing the auto grip area of the guitar stand
I have a two guitar one stand and in the past was able to but this one seems a little different
Old stands but still usable just The auto grips are off scale and would like advice from you or anyone on self repairing this
Has anyone come up with a replacement for the foam tubing where the headstock rests? I noticed mine is coming apart when packing up after a gig yesterday. I have also experienced the exploding grip. This was a three guitar stand holding three basses for a performance.
Warren – bassist for Brendan Young
Wow – this stand clearly had reliability issues –
ie – ME TOO!
Came here after googling for solving this very problem. Did actually try a screw but it was unreliable
I just had this happen to one of mine and I’m in the process of contacting Hercules for a replacement. I will probably throw a bolt in the old one and let it live in the practice room. I also love the idea of a hose clamp on or bolt through one of the holes just above where I set the stand – that will act as a failsafe in case the handle on the other one breaks – or the new one, assuming Hercules stands up to their commitment.
Thanks for the fix! If have two of these stands, one has crumbled and the other will not be far behind, I’m going to use stainless steel locking pins to fix mine though, I would have thrown them out then I saw your fix! I bet Hercules is cursing you though!
I just took a Q-tip, removed the cotton tip and shoved it down in between the handle and the upper shaft and it has held for the last 10-12 years. Still working and I have never had to change the Q-tip or drill through either tube. 🙂 Simple and effective.
Thank you! I was wondering what I was going to do with my stand, I had a not so great temporary solution and was thinking of throwing it out. Unsuccessfully trying to find Hercules parts led me to this page, I will keep my stand for some time forward. I never adjust the height so putting the right sized bolt there is an awesome and simple solution. Thanks for sharing this!
Glad to find this discussion and just fixed the same problem it seems everyone continues to have with the “sticky” (ugh ) clamp… in this case for my three-guitar stand. Sticky clamp problem gone and a 5 cent bolt which I can always paint black if I’m picky! Thanks to everyone for their sharing and comments. cheers, Rod.