Add a Dockspacer to Your Mac OS X Dock

Last year, I wrote a little Terminal-based program that adds spacers to the Mac OS X Dock. This helps to keep items in the Dock more organized. Download here, and feel free to fork on GitHub.

Poor UI Design in a Database Admin Page

Another poor UI design. Adding a database using this layout is quite easy: click the icon with the plus (“+”) character over it. Dropping a database, however, isn’t immediately obvious. The icon to do so appears to the right of the “add user” icon, in the right section of the page. It’s likely there because the UI designer(s)… Continue reading Poor UI Design in a Database Admin Page

Terrible Farecard User Interface

Here’s an example of an incredibly terrible — and dizzying — user interface, or UI. This is a farecard station in Virginia or Washington DC (I can’t quite remember). My friend Dan and I are from New York, where the MetroCard stations are incredibly simple to use. We reacted exactly the same way as we came upon this farecard… Continue reading Terrible Farecard User Interface

Categorized as Design, UI