- Course Title: Foundations of Web Design and Development (hcid 110)
- CRN: 07172
- Credits: 4
- Prerequisites: Either one from cs 105, 110, 111, 114, 115, 190, or 191, or one from cs 211, 220, 220p, or 275
- Days: Monday and Wednesday
- Time: 3:35 – 5:15 pm
- Room: Charles A Dana Hall, 316 (map )
- Dates: 17 January – 29 April 2024
- Professor: Roy Vanegas (pronounced “vuh-nay-gus”)
- Email: vanegas at hartford dot edu
- Phone: 860.768.5925
- Office: Charles A Dana Hall, 310B
- Office hours: I meet students on an appointment basis via video conference during the times listed here. (Click here for videoconferencing details.) Other times on Thursdays and Fridays are available, also. Email to make an appointment.
- Tuesday: 11:00 am – 5:00 pm
This course covers the basic ideas, languages, and tools used in the design and construction of modern, small- to medium-sized web sites. Students will learn typography and layout; how to work with audio and video; how to prepare and optimized images; and, how to design responsive digital experiences for mobile devices and laptop/desktop computers.
Students will be exposed to a modern, web-centered tool chain: Git, html, css, Sass, and JavaScript. Each student will carefully navigate the four-step iterative development cycle (requirement, design, implement, test) to create an aesthetically pleasing, logical, well-laid out final project with an emphasis on semantics, proper engineering techniques, good style, clear design, and best practices.
This course fulfills the A&S Information Technology Literacy (itl) general education requirement.
Learning Outcomes
Upon successful completion of this course, students will understand...
- the roles html, css, Sass, and JavaScript play in web development;
- how to semantically author html;
- how to employ css to create the presentation layer of a web page;
- how to use Sass to simplify authoring css;
- how to work with the basics of JavaScript to add behavior to a web page;
- how to revision control technology projects using Git and GitHub;
- how to employ typography well in the design of a web page;
- how to design for the differing elements of the web;
- how to maintain a web site;
- and, how to employ multiple media components into a web project.
Software Requirements
All the required software for this course is free and listed below. For Mac users, most of the installation process is automated using this script. Items below marked with a ※ are not included in the installer script; these must be installed manually.
Windows and Linux users will need to install all the software manually.
Browsers (Mac and Windows)※
Download all the browsers available at Browse Happy. Some students might also want Chrome Canary, Safari Technology Preview, Firefox Developer Edition, and Firefox Nightly. I use Firefox, Brave, and Chrome in class.
Rectangle (Mac only)
Writing software requires working with multiple windows. Rectangle makes working in a multi-window environment much easier. Download it here.
GitHub (Mac, Windows, and Linux)
All in-class examples, assignments, and help will be done via GitHub. Download the client for your computer here if you don’t feel comfortable with The Terminal.
Examples Repository (Mac, Windows, and Linux)
All the code examples I share with you will be pushed to our class’ examples GitHub repo.
Text Editor (Mac, Windows, and Linux)
The code you write will require a text editor. Although there are many on the market, such as Sublime Text (nagware), for example, vs Code (open source) is the only editor supported in class. Download the Linux, Windows, or macOS version from
Download the latest stable release of Node from and follow the default instructions. Note: Installing Node also installs npm, Node’s package manager.
Fonts (Mac, Windows, and Linux)
In addition to the stock issue, monospace/fixed-width fonts included with your os, here are a few more fonts to explore in your text editors:
Web Development Environment Configuration Files
Once all the software above has been installed, go here and follow the instructions in the
Important Notes
The University treats absences related to covid-19 as excused absences. Consequently, you’ll need to get notes from someone in class, as mentioned in the section of this syllabus marked Advice on Succeeding in Class. There will not be a streaming video option for anyone missing class.
Notable Dates
- Wednesday, 17 January 2024 (Week 1) — First day of classes
- Monday, 11 March, and Wednesday, 13 March 2024 (Week 9) — Spring recess — No class
- Tuesday, 2 April 2024 (Week 12) — Last day to change to pass/no pass, or vice versa; last day to withdraw with a grade of W
- Monday, 29 April 2024 (Week 16) — Last day of classes
Week | Topics | Homework |
One |
Two |
Three |
Study in-class code examples and notes |
Four |
Study in-class code examples and notes |
Five |
Study in-class code examples and notes |
Six |
Study in-class code examples and notes |
Seven |
Study in-class code examples and notes |
Eight |
Study in-class code examples and notes |
Nine |
None |
Ten |
Study in-class code examples and notes |
Eleven |
Study in-class code examples and notes |
Twelve |
Study in-class code examples and notes |
Thirteen |
Study in-class code examples and notes |
Fourteen |
Study in-class code examples and notes |
Fifteen |
Study in-class code examples and notes |
Sixteen |
Happy break! |
There are three homework-type assignments and one final project due for the assignments portion of your final grade. (See the Grading Formula section to learn what percentage of your final grade each is worth.)
Grading Formula
Your grade for this course will be computed using the following formula:
- Assignments (45%)
- Assignment 1 — 15%
- Assignment 2 — 15%
- Assignment 3 — 15%
- Final project (45%)
- Attendance and participation (10%)
To calculate your final grade, convert to decimal the percentages above and the grades you’ve earned. For example, if you got an 80 on the first assignment, a 93 on the second assignment, a 60 on the third assignment, a 100 on your final project, and 100 for attendance, then you’d use the following formula:
(.80 × .15) + (.93 × .15) + (.60 × .15) + (1 × .45) + (1 × .10) = 89%
I do not give grades; students earn them. The grade you earn is based strictly on the outlined formula clearly listed in this section.
This grading formula is unbending and will be adhered to strictly.
Important Note
Please do not try to negotiate a grade with me. By asking me to treat you favorably, you’re requesting that I put you above your classmates. Manage your time well; I do not accept late work.
Class Policies
- Masks. I don’t require students to wear masks in class, per university policy dictated in spring 2022:
Effective immediately, masks are now optional in most University facilities and settings. They [masks] will continue to be required in the classroom or personal office spaces, unless otherwise specified by faculty members or staff.
And, of course, you’re welcome to wear a mask in class, should you feel more comfortable doing so. You may read more about the policy regarding face coverings here. - Consuming food in class. There is no eating inside our classroom, either during class or while on break. Eat before or after class. Drinks in covered containers, however, are allowed.
- Digital devices. Silence your mobile devices before class starts.
Academic Honesty
Cheating of any kind will not be tolerated in this course; make certain that all the work you submit is your own. Refresh your understanding of the college’s policy on academic honesty.
Students with Disabilities
Read about how The University of Hartford supports students with disabilities:
Title IX and Sexual Assault
Sexual violence and other forms of sexual misconduct and harassment, including stalking and intimate partner violence, are prohibited under Title ix, federal and state law, and University of Hartford policy. Information on the University’s policies against sexual violence can be found at Resources regarding sexual violence can be found at
Note: University of Hartford faculty, staff, and ras are required to report incidents of sexual misconduct to the Title ix Office ( For further information on The University’s policies and resources, please contact Jason Martinez (860.768.5255; or Justin Bell (860.768.4880;
Mental Health and Well-Being
Mental Health is an important aspect of students’ well-being and integral to positive academic experiences and success. If, during the semester, you experience difficulties and would like support, consider contacting the University of Hartford’s caps, or Counseling and Psychological Services, which offers a range of short-term counseling services available to full-time undergraduate students at no additional cost, and to part-time undergraduate and graduate students for a small fee. caps is located in Gengras Student Union, Room 313 , and can be reached by calling 860.768.4482 or emailing Liz Inkel at Office hours are Monday – Friday, 8:30 AM – 4:30 PM.
Advice on Succeeding in Class
Read over the following to understand procedures for maximizing your chances of succeeding in class.
- Advice for Succeeding in Class (in Markdown)
- Advice for Succeeding in Class (in pdf)
Office Hours
- Office: Charles A Dana Hall, 310B
- Office hours: I meet students on an appointment basis via video conference during the times listed here. (Click here for videoconferencing details.) Other times on Thursdays and Fridays are available, also. Email to make an appointment.
- Tuesday: 11:00 am – 5:00 pm
Nowadays, I only use email for emergency situations, such as a pet emergencies, personal tragedies, etc. For matters related to our course, you’re advised to see me before or after class, during my office hours, or by appointment. My contact info is listed in the Preamble.