Web Design at RISD

This hands-on course teaches designers how to conceive, prototype, and program websites. Using HTML5, CSS3, and jQuery, students learn to hand-code websites for a variety of digital devices. In doing so, they are exposed to the possibilities and constraints of designing and programming for mobile phones, tablets, and desktop computers.

Students learn to use space, color, and type, and are exposed to various aspects of design in order to better inform their design decisions. Through instructor-led critiques, they are taught to produce websites with a strong focus on the end-user, and to consider how their design choices in the user interface (UI) stage of web development enhances user experience (UX).

Using Git, the ubiquitous revision control system, students learn to keep track of their in-class work, homework assignments, and final project, which is typically of a portfolio website. Participants complete the course with a working knowledge of HTML, CSS, and jQuery, as well as improved web imaging skills, a heightened understanding of web-based typography, and a more critical eye for superior design.

This course is open to designers of all levels, and provides plenty of opportunities for intermediate and advanced students to build upon previous experience. Note: Because most everyone owns a laptop computer today, students are required to use their own laptops for class.